
204 Busses Has been Provided by PPIH for Indonesian Pilgrims

Kamis, 08 Juni 2023 - 23:08
204 Busses Has been Provided by PPIH for Indonesian Pilgrims The bus to carry the pilgrims from Masjidil Haram to their hotel or vice versa. (Photo: MCH 2023)

TIMES MADIUN, MAKKAH – The Saudi Arabian Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) has prepared special facilities for Indonesian pilgrims during the 1444/2023 Hajj season. The busses was so called as Shalawat buses.

Shalawat busses has two designs. One for regular pilgrims and one for senior pilgrim who need more care and assistance. The bus for senior pilgrims were made different from regular one. They are equipped with wider doors and designed to accommodate wheelchairs.

The Head of Syeb Amir Bus Station, Sugandi, explained that the entrance senior pilgrims busses can even be lowered closer to the asphalt, making it easier for the pilgrims to get off the bus. 

"The stepping platform at the bus entrance can be lowered closer to the road for the wheelchair access," Sugandi said at Syeb Amir Bus Station in Makkah on Tuesday (6/5/2023).

Sugandi explained that wheelchairs can enter the bus, and the senior pilgrims will be lifted to sit in the bus seats if they needed. The Shalawat bus for the elderly is equipped with a lowered stepping feature to the road and a special pathway for wheelchairs to board the bus.

According to Sugandi, the bus is also equipped with good suspension. The bus can withstand vibrations very well and has good suspension. This is necessary because they were less strong and weak enough to just stand on their feet.

"It is so comfortable so that the elders could rest in the bus,"  Sugandi explained while showing the bus entrance that can be passed through by wheelchairs.

The seats in this special vehicle are wider and spacious. These seats can also be reclined for comfort. Currently, 73 Shalawat buses are operating at Syeb Amir Bus Station. As the peak of the Hajj season approaches, it is estimated that there will be around 200 busses send to this station for the pilgrims.

"There has been 30 officers working at station, they were divided into three shifts. Each shift consists of 10 officers responsible for managing around 200 buses during the peak of the Hajj season. 

Syukur Efendi (63) and Wahidah (57) from Balikpapan, are two special case pilgrims who has to take this bus. They appreciate the service and feel comfortable using the Shalawat bus equipped with special facilities for the senior people. 

"Even though there are only two passengers, once it's time to go, the bus goes," Syukur, one of the Indonesian pilgrims said while boarding on the bus. (*)

Pewarta : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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