
Hajj 2024: The Importance of Staying Hydrated According to Dr. Eka Harmeiwaty

Minggu, 19 Mei 2024 - 00:20
Hajj 2024: The Importance of Staying Hydrated According to Dr. Eka Harmeiwaty The Indonesian pilgrims doing their hajj routine in Makkah under the scorching sun. (Photo: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

TIMES MADIUN, JAKARTA – Dr. Eka Harmeiwaty, Sp.S, the Head of the Indonesian Hypertension Association, underscores the critical importance of regular water intake, particularly for pilgrims for Hajj 2024 facing the intense heat of the holy land. In her interview, Dr. Eka highlighted that maintaining proper hydration is key to preventing various health issues that can arise from dehydration.

"Don't just drink when you're thirsty. Drink regularly in small amounts. This way, you won't have to urinate frequently. However, if you drink a large amount all at once, your body will quickly expel the water," Dr. Eka explained.

Hydration and Dehydration Prevention

Dr. Eka advises pilgrims to always carry a water supply, even though access to water is readily available in the holy land. This is particularly important when waiting in line for restrooms or when feeling thirsty during religious activities.

"The main cause of many deaths recently was dehydration. I always stress that pilgrims should prepare a water supply, especially when waiting in line for the toilet and feeling thirsty," Dr. Eka added.

In addition to preventing dehydration, regular water consumption can also protect pilgrims from the risks of heat stroke, cognitive decline, and loss of consciousness.

Consistent Hypertension Treatment

Besides staying hydrated, Dr. Eka also emphasizes the importance of consistent medication intake for hypertension. According to her, hypertension treatment should be lifelong and should not be neglected even if the patient's condition appears to improve.

"Regular treatment will prevent internal organs from damage caused by hypertension, such as kidney function impairment," Dr. Eka explained.

Avoiding Excessive Salt Intake

Dr. Eka also reminds pilgrims to avoid foods high in salt, as excessive salt intake can increase the risk of hypertension. "Salt consumption should not exceed five grams per day, which is equivalent to one teaspoon per person per day," she added.

Although hot weather does not directly cause hypertension, Dr. Eka explained that the body has a temperature regulation mechanism that can react to the external environment.

"Blood pressure regulation is actually in the brain. Neurohormonal factors affect blood volume and the heart," Dr. Eka stated.

With these recommendations, it is expected that pilgrims can perform their pilgrimage in optimal health and avoid complications that can arise from hot weather and poorly managed health conditions. Awareness of the importance of hydration and consistent hypertension treatment is expected to reduce health risks during the Hajj 2024 pilgrimage. (*)

Pewarta : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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